Sunday 3 February 2013

I kid you not

My mum (88) cannot stand it when people call children 'kids'. As far as she is concerned kids are the young of goats or the present tense of a gentle tease. She hates it. If I'm with her and she hears it, she tells me how awful it is. She tells me quite loudly. Mum is like that woman in that famous poem: she likes to wear purple juxtaposed with red now she's 88. Well metaphorically at least. In reality I don't think my mum would approve of wearing red and purple at the same time.

Mum first started complaining about the use of the word kids in reference to the young of humans, probably back in the eighties. I used to be embarrassed and tease or is that kid her that she was being a funny-duddy. She would smile all the while knowing she was right.

But now I'm starting to think she has a point. Has she worn me down? Am I truly my mother's daughter? Now when she bemoans its modern meaning I do have some sympathy. I cannot actually bring myself to say or indeed write 'kids' when referring to my offspring. Goats yes; children no. I like to think it's not indoctrination but daughterly loyalty. She does have a point. My children don't look anything like kids....although I do feel like an old goat at times.


  1. I'm with your Mum. I dislike the word kids. And when I was a child I remember I hated be called a kid.

    1. Thanks, Racheldaisy, there's three of us now!
